Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Empire total war empire

          Empire Total war is a Strategy game that let's you control  naval units and land units and go on epic campaigns it lets you change the face of history and Become the most terrifying Conquerer or peaceful merchant lord.What i personally choose to be both because if my troop strength is low but my money is high so what i do is either send my princess or diplomats to the city i want which if i have good relations with those people i can buy the city right away but if i don't i must give them a gift which can be money or troops.This game is a very challenging stradidgy game so you literally must come up with tactics for instance, Calvary is always weak against spears or pikes but if you flank them where there are no spears then its a different story.So if you like this blog you should defiantly try it.                                                  

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